International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

How to Solve the Global Poverty through the Earth Security Tax (EST) in Global Governance
Chih-Yang Chao, Hui-Chun Wu, Ping-Teng Liu

This study suggests a multi-layer design called earth security tax (EST) under the earth security capital (ESC). The earth security tax (EST) system suggested by the study furthur expands the whole idea to automatically trade benefits between least developed countries (LDCs) and developed countries (DCs), it also helps to upgrade the export contens in the LDC. The EST system also helps economic development in the DC without changing forcefully their current trade conditions. As for the EST global governance suggested by this study links to market ingredients while dealing with the problem of global poverty. As this study may show, through the help of global governance, international associations such as IBRD are welcome invited to join the system without the necessity to impose any aid conditionality. After the project is accomplished, the system can be applied to dear with another highly homogeneous issue of subsidiaries.

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