International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Gender-Based Violence in Public Life in Central African Republic
Hélène Kamdem Kamgno, Honoré Mimche, Alice Azebaze, Arsène Zia

The issue of gender-based violence (GBV) has become in recent years a major scientific, political, social and family concern worldwide, and revelations have significantly increased in various Northern and Southern countries. Nowadays, GBV is perpetrated in different contexts of individuals' life in society. However, studies on violence have been dominated by domestic violence. Besides, the few studies stressing on violence that occurs in public spheres focus on violence in educational institutions. Using data from the survey on gender-based violence in CAR (EBVG -RCAR) conducted in 2011, as well as the assumption that the forms of appropriation and misappropriation of public spaces make them frameworks of vulnerability for acts of violence characterized by a gendered expression of social differences between men and women, this article aims at: i) assessing the levels of violence experienced by men and women in public spaces in RCA; ii ) determining the differential variations in the practice of GBV in public areas; and deducing the profile of persons who have suffered gender-based violence in public spaces; iii ) identifying factors likely to explain the practice of gender-based violence in public spaces.

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