International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Entrepreneurship Education and Employability of Arab HE Business Students: An Attempt for a Primary Investigation
Professor Hatem El-Gohary, Professor Hassan M.Selim, Dr. Riyad Eid

This research paper offers an organised synthesis of the related literature to define the different factors that might have an influence to illustratethe impact of entrepreneurship education on business and economics degree courses in Arab Higher Education (HE) (i.e. United Arab Emirates - UAE) and the impact such entrepreneurship education has on students’ attitudes towards starting a small business or their own businesses. The paper first, systematically stratifies existing literature into key thematic groupings covering entrepreneurship education, and entrepreneurship education impact on students’ attitudes towards starting a Small Business Enterprise (SBE) or Small or Medium Enterprise (SME). The main aim of the paper is to create a research framework and instrument that can investigate the impact of teaching entrepreneurship on business and economics degree courses in UAE HE and its impact on students’ attitudes towards starting an SBE or their businesses. This paper contributes to the existing body of knowledge by synthesising and analysing published work related to entrepreneurship education impact on students’ attitudes towards starting an SBE or SME and introducing a research framework and instrument that can investigate such relationship. Moreover, it provides scholars and practitioners with a useful reflective commentary upon current knowledge and signposts future research endeavours in this domain.

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