International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss


Obstacles Facing Observance of Child’s Rights at the Jordanian Kindergarten from the Perspective of Headmistresses and Teachers
Dr. Maysoon Fawzi A. Al Akroush, Dr. Mohammad Sayel N. Al Zyoud

The study aimed at identifying the obstacles facing child’s rights at the Jordanian kindergartens from the perspective of headmistresses and teachers. The study population consisted of female school teachers and headmistresses, at public and private schools for the academic year 2007-2008 in the central region, which included (873) headmistresses of which 87 from the public school and 786 from the private schools, and (2973) female school teachers of which 70 from the public schools and 2903 from the private schools. The study used the qualitative approach that is based on interviews for headmistresses and teachers. The study revealed to the following:

1- There are varied percentages for the obstacles encountering the observance of children’s rights at Jordanian kindergarten from teachers and headmistress’s perspective. It ranged between 35%-85% for headmistresses and 15-87.5% for teachers.

2- There is an agreement from the perspective of school teachers and headmistresses on the obstacles that prevent child’s rights at the Jordanian kindergartens.

3- There are obstacles that prevent the observance of child rights at the Jordanian kindergartens the most of which are lack of effective laws and legislations, availing educational-teaching environment relevant for the child growth and development, availing adequate training on child’s rights for headmistress and teachers and improving families’ awareness level in child’s rights.

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