International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Confidence, Vulnerability, and Empathy: Friends to Managers
Dr. David E. Bartz, Dallas T. Bartz, Juris Doctor

Managers need to constantly assess their attributes and skill sets in relation to the responsibilities and expectations of their present position and for career development. Confidence, vulnerability, and empathy are three key attributes for success on the present job for managers and their career development. Confidence is represented by managers’ skills in creating a sense of presence, making decisions with convictions, being influential, taking calculated risks, and challenging themselves to be the best. Vulnerability means that managers are exposing their uncertainties and taking emotional risks. Vulnerability is shown when a manager displays openness to input and feedback from staff and others, even if such information is critical of the manager’s opinions or actions. Empathy is a manager’s skill set for sensing and relating to the feelings, thoughts, experiences, and general situations of staff and colleagues—and recognizing and addressing their concerns—when they are experiencing emotional difficulties or challenges. Effective implementation of confidence, vulnerability, and empathy will significantly enhance the work environment for the manager, staff, and other stakeholders. These three attributes will also positively affect the manager’s future regarding career development and promotions.

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