International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

COVID-19 and Industry 4.0: Can it be an accelerator for Digital Transformation?

Covid-19 disease will leave deep marks in human history, considering catastrophic impacts and destructions that it has created all over the world and will be one of the important stages of change and transformation for the future. The acceleration of the transition to industry 4.0, which is one of the elements subject to this change and the increasing more than ever effect of digitalization in almost every sector is an important factor appear before us. In this framework, the analysis of the what extent of covid-19’s accelerator role for industry 4.0 and digitalization reflects the main purpose of our research. Our research is a compilation study that emerged as a result of examining many literature. According to the research findings, it is understood that the covid-19 process create a significant leverage effect in the transition to digitalization and that a very important stage has been left behind in the transition to industry 4.0 after covid-19. This research’s bibliography predominantly consists of scientific datas and it is thought that this study could be a reference source for the future studies, since the pandemic process maintains fresh and there are not many studies in the literature yet.

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