International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss


Rovshan Karimov

Azerbaijan, the country in Caucasus region has been known to be a republic with higher ratio of population growth when it was an integral part of the former USSR. Rate of population growth has been considerably decreased here after it gained independence after collapse of Soviet Union. Socio-economic problems negatively impacted on demographic processes, particularly population growth in the large cities of the country. For present, the process of high distribution of people in Absheron area which includes Baku, the capital and largest city of Azerbaijan Republic must be curbed. Because overwhelming majority of the population as well as economic potentiality of the country falls to the share of this small area. This necessitates high-speed development of provincial cities situated in other regions of the country. This would contribute great significance for the country's further progress. Developing industrial areas and infrastructure, creating new labor-consuming enterprises, and increasing employment in the medium and small cities are important socioeconomic issues. In this paper, the author studies up-to-date and perspective demographic development of large provincial cities of Azerbaijan in economic context.

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