International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Motives and Perceived Problems of Students as Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Differences across the Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, and the United States
Nergis Aziz, Barry A. Friedman, Salavat Sayfullin

We developed a theory-based instrument that measured entrepreneurial motives, and (2) contrasted the motives of aspiring entrepreneurs in Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, and the United States. We administered the Aspiring Entrepreneurial Motive Questionnaire (AEMQ) to 305 business school senior students. Entrepreneurial motives significantly differed across the three countries. Financial motives were significantly higher in Kyrgyzstan and Georgia than in the United States. Recognition motives were significantly higher in Kyrgyzstan. Compared to Kyrgyzstan and Georgia, freedom and perceived marketing opportunities motivated students more in the United States, yet these students perceived economic conditions to be no more favorable. We discuss the implications of these findings.

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