International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Intertextuality Study on the Meaning of a Woman's Body in the Relief Panels of Borobudur Temple
Des Hanafi, Mirza Ronda, Mikhael Dua

One of the interesting things to observe when visiting Borobudur temple is the relief panels on the walls of the temple. Relief panels at Borobudur Tempe tell many stories in the display of mostly topless female bodies. Various meanings and messages shall reveal when one observes the relief panels of Borobudur Temple closely, which was built before 800 AD. These meanings can be studied both practically and academically. Different looks of female figures is displayed in accordance with their roles. The symbols and signs of the female body on the relief panels of Borobudur Temple can be treated as texts conveying a message about the lives of women in that era. Qualitative research method and interpretive paradigm are used in accordance with branches of semiotics, including genotext, fenotex, and intertextual studies, as the main basis when reading or interpreting the relief panels displaying female bodies at Borobudur Temple.

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